Please click on this links to download free translations files, it can be a good starting points (translations are not full): español, français, हिन्दी (hindī), polski, italiano, Deutsch, български - it can save you some time. When you download it, please unzip the file and check instruction inside.


For other languages - MyHome comes with ".pot" files so you can easily translate it

1. Download Poedit from the official website:

2. Set default language. Hover over the "Settings" tab in the left sidebar and click "General"

3. Change "Site Language" to your own , then click the "Save Changes" button

4. Check your "WP Locale Code":

You need to translate 2 files - one for the “MyHome Theme” and another one for “MyHome Core Plugin”, because we use “the concept of plugin territory - (if you are interested in it you can read more about it here: The Concept of plugin territory ).

1. Translating MyHome theme

1.1. Run Poedit

1.2. Open: "wp-content/themes/myhome/languages/myhome.pot" file

1.3. Create new translation and choose your language

1.4. Choose your language from dropdown list

1.5. Translate the theme texts

1.6. Your translation will be displayed next to source text:

1.7. Save to "/wp-content/languages/themes/" as "myhome-" + your "WP LOCALE CODE" e.g.

  • Polish: myhome-pl_PL
  • Chinese: myhome-zh_CN
  • Irish: myhome-ga
  • Japanese: myhome-ja

2. Translating MyHome Core plugin

It’s almost the same process as translating the MyHome Theme

2.1. Run Poedit

2.2. Open "wp-content/plugins/myhome-core/legacy/languages/myhome-core.pot" file

2.3. Create new translation and choose your language

2.4. Translate the plugin texts

2.5. Your translation will be displayed next to source text:

2.6. Save to "/wp-content/languages/plugins/" as "myhome-core-" + your "WP LOCALE CODE" e.g.

  • Polish: myhome-core-pl_PL
  • Chinese: myhome-core-zh_CN
  • Irish: myhome-core-ga
  • Japanese: myhome-core-ja

It will generate 2 files in this folder (.mo and .po) with your translation.


To translate dynamic content e.g. property fields, city names please check this article: Translating dynamic content - property fields, labels, cities etc.