There are 2 types of texts on every WordPress

1. Dynamic content, stored in the database:

- post title [MyHome: property name]

- description [MyHome: property description]

- post category [MyHome: property category: property type / offer type / city etc]

- page shortcodes [MyHome: headings "Featured" "Agents" on the homepage or other pages]

- options in the Theme options (footer info/header text etc)


2. Static content, stored in .php files:

- "Leave a reply" next to comments

- "Reset Password"

- "Thank you for submitting your property information."

- etc.


Pot files are used only for static content and you can use this article to translate static content - Translating MyHome .pot files 


1. Property Fields

1.1. To translate category name (e.g. offer type), because it is dynamic content and it is stored in database, please go to /wp-admin/ property fields


1.2. Edit field


1.3. Change name

 1.4. Click save


2. Sample cities, offer types, property types

2.1. To translate e.g. Single City. Hover properties and choose city

2.2. You will see panel very similar to WordPress Post Categories and you can edit the name or add new


3. For Rent label

3.1. To translate /month label you need to visit offer type. 


3.2. Edit


3.3. and change:


4. Translating Headings and other page shortcodes


4.1. Edit with WPBakery Page Builder (old name: Visual Composer):

 4.2. Edit heading

5. Blog Carousel "Read More"

6. Search Form "Load More" button:

7. Translating Theme Options

Some text can be found directly in the Theme Options e.g. Reply to the listing


or Load More for auto-generated pages (e.g. city / offer type):

8. Translating Menu

You can translate and create own menu position in this tab at your /wp-admin/ :

9. Translating single property page section titles e.g. Details


10. Translating Contact Form 7 placeholders


10. Properties page slug and heading text


Visit /wp-admin/ and:


11. Plans


Edit property and visit plans