This PHP code change query order grom newest to modified. 

Important: Make sure you use the latest version of MyHome Theme and MyHome Core. 




You added a property one month ago and changed the images to the newest, and you want to show this property on the first page. This code changes this for you. After edit a single property post then he goes to the first place. 


add_filter( 'myhome_search_args', function ( $args ) {
if ( isset( $args['orderby']['date'] ) ) {
$args['orderby'] = [
'modified' => $args['orderby']['date'],
'id' => 'DESC'

return $args;
} );


Please use this code in your Child Theme functions.php . You can read more about Child Themes here: 

How to use Child Theme? How to change files (php / css / js) and keep theme future update compatibility? 


Open theme editor in your Wp-Admin (make sure you have selected MyHome Child to edit)

3. Paste this code at the bottom on file functions.php and hit Update file.