Create New Number Field e.g.

Check slug of the field in your database, table: **_myhome_attributes


In our case, it is: owner-phone-number

Visit your /wp-content/myhome/templates/content-single-estate.php . Add there sample code anywhere:



Owner phone number:
<a href="tel:<?php the_field('estate_attr_' . 'owner-phone-number', $myhome_estate->get_ID() ); ?>"><?php the_field('estate_attr_' . 'owner-phone-number', $myhome_estate->get_ID() ); ?></a>



Add any property phone number:


Check if it works:


Then you can customize it your own way.

You can hide the phone number field on the search form this way: How to hide property field on the search form?