1. Open the wp-config.php file located in the root of your WordPress file directory
2. Backup the file
3. Paste this code to the very bottom, right before the line that says, "That's all, stop editing! Happy blogging."
define( 'WP_MAX_MEMORY_LIMIT', '196M' );
5. Save the wp-config.php file
6. Check if memory limit is increased on the Demo Importer "Server Requirements" card
This method should solve the problem at most of the servers. Unfortunately some servers blocks this method.
If it is not working please login to your "Server Configuration Panel" or some kind of "cPanel" and try to fing "PHP.ini" file configuration page. If you find it and open, please increase this value to 196M
memory_limit = 196M
If you still have a problem with this setting please contact our technical support team via [email protected] and send us:
- WordPress link and /wp-admin/ login and password
- server configuration panel link / login / password
- purchase code ( article: Where is my Purchase Code? )
We will do our best to help you