All MyHome texts e.g. "Thank you for registering. You can log in now." can be changed via pot files:

1. Download Poedit from the official website:

2. Set default language. Hover over the "Settings" tab in the left sidebar and click "General"

3. Change "Site Language" to English (United States) click the "Save Changes" button

Text can be in one of the 2 files - one file is dedicated for the “MyHome Theme” and another one for “MyHome Core Plugin”. It is because we use “the concept of plugin territory - (if you are interested in it you can read more about it here: The Concept of plugin territory ).

1. Changing text in the MyHome theme

1.1. Run Poedit

1.2. Open: "wp-content/themes/myhome/languages/myhome.pot" file

1.3. Create new translation and choose your language

1.4. Choose your language English (United States) from dropdown list

1.5. Translate the theme texts

1.6. Your text will be displayed next to source text:

1.7. Save to "wp-content/themes/myhome/languages/". Name: "en_US". It will generate 2 files in this folder ( and en_US.po)

2. Changing text in the MyHome Core plugin

It’s almost the same process as the changing text in the MyHome Theme

2.1. Run Poedit

2.2. Open "wp-content/plugins/myhome-core/languages/myhome-core.pot" file

2.3. Create new translation and choose your language

2.4. Change the plugin texts

2.5. Your text will be displayed next to source text:

2.6. Save to "/wp-content/languages/plugins/" . Name: myhome-core-en_US

It will generate 2 files in this folder (.mo and .po) with your translation.