We will change 2 column grid into 3 and disable sidebar.
1. Firstly please set 2 columns
2. Please add this CSS below to your additional CSS ( You can read more how to add it here). It will transform 2 columns into 3 on the desktop and hide the sidebar.
@media (min-width:1024px) { .archive:not(.post-type-archive-estate) .mh-grid__1of2, .blog .mh-grid__1of2 { width:33.3%!important; } } .archive:not(.post-type-archive-estate) .mh-layout__sidebar-right, .blog .mh-layout__sidebar-right { display:none!important; } .archive:not(.post-type-archive-estate) .mh-layout__content-left, .blog .mh-layout__content-left { width:100%!important; }
3. You can visit your setting and change default max number of posts per page "10" to e.g. 12 so the pagination will always look good (when there are 2 columns on tablet or 3 columns on pc).
12 elements: